Technology is the
application of knowledge to meet the goals, goods and services desired by
people. Modern technology is increasingly science-based but also includes
methods of organization as well as physical technique.

of particle size, size distribution and shape by mechanical sieving and
Machine Vision approach for coal particles produced by different mills",
Scientific Research Project Fund of Cumhuriyet University,
Research Project (between
Department of Mining Engineering of Cumhuriyet University and Department of
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering of North Dakota State University), Project No:
M472, Sivas, (Project
and Researcher), 2014.
5. “Effect of Different Grinding
Methods on the Critical Surface Tension of Wetting”, Cumhuriyet University Research Fund Ph.D.
Project (Project No: M145), Sivas,
Ulusoy, U. (Resarcher), 2003.
4. “Effects
of grinding at different media and conditions of minerals on the brekage,
wetting, shape and morphological properties”, TUBİTAK Project,
(Project No: YDABCAG-100Y058, Ulusoy, U. (Resarcher),
Aralık 2002.
“Hydrocyclone optimization studies of Akdağ zinc plants”, ES METAL Tic. Ltd.
Şti., Ulusoy, U. (Resarcher), 1997.
2. “Recovery
of Gold and Silver from pyritic tailings of CBI by MGS”, CAYELİ BAKIR
İŞLETMELERİ A.Ş. Final Raporu, CAY-15, Ulusoy,
U. (Resarcher), August 1996.
1. “Pre-concentration
Studies of four different celestite ores by MGS”, BARİT MADEN TURK. A.Ş.,
SİVAS, Ulusoy, U. (Resarcher),
May-1996. |