“If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn’t be called research, would it?” A. Einstein

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Father of Turks


“SUCCESS  isn’t just about  what you accomplish in your life, it’s about  what you INSPIRE others to do”. Anonymous


(Means; quotation from or reference to a book, paper or author, especially in a scholarly work)


recognized by ScholarGPS® as one of the top scholars for his outstanding performance in some specialties like image analysis, particle-size distribution, and mineral processing for being ranked in the top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide, based on accomplishments over the totality of career (lifetime) using strong publication record, the impact of work, and the notable quality of academic contributions.






ScholarGPS® Ranks


Z Score

Top % Rank

Overall (All Fields)




Engineering and Computer Science




Mining Engineering





image analysis




mineral processing




particle-size distribution





We’re excited to highlight some of the key milestones, achievements, and metrics

Publication Metrics   Searched: 27.07.2024

I- ISI Web of Science Core Collection-Citation Search Results

   Core Collection
Sum of the Times Cited: 1086
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 1000
Average Citations per Item: 26.23
h-index: 19*


*: h is the number of articles greater than h that have at least h citations. For example, an h-index of 19 means that there are 19 items that have 19 citations or more.


This metric is useful because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited papers or papers that have not yet been cited.

II- Citations on Scopus



Sum of the Times Cited: 1270
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 1069
h-index: 20*




Author documents


Topic Field-Weighted Citation Impact 


Froth Flotation; Rate Constant; Computational Fluid Dynamics


1.     Article: Effect of particle shape on bubble-particle attachment behavior: Roles of surfaces, edges, and vertexes, Ma, G., Bu, X., Ulusoy, U., Xie, G., Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 7 Citations, 0.96 FWCI

2.     Review: Effect of surface roughness on particle-bubble interaction: A critical review, Sun, Y., Bu, X., Ulusoy, U., ... Vaziri Hassas, B., Dong, X., Minerals Engineering, 2023, 12 Citations, 0.88FWCI

3.     Article: Prediction of average shape values of quartz particles by vibrating disc and ball milling using dynamic image analysis based on established time-dependent shape models, Ulusoy, U., Bayar, G., Particulate Science and Technology, 2022, 7 Citations, 0.70FWCI

4.     Article  •  Open Access: Comparison of particle shapes of conventionally ground barite, calcite and talc minerals by dynamic imaging technique: A review, Ulusoy, U., EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, 2020, 2 Citations, 0.09FWCI

5.     Article: Quantifying of particle shape differences of differently milled barite using a novel technique: Dynamic image analysis, Ulusoy, U.,Materialia, 2019, 16 Citations, 0.34 FWCI



Chromite; Concentration (Process); Flotation



1.     Article: Particle shape characterization of shaking table streams in a Turkish chromite concentration plant by using dynamic imaging and microscopical techniques, Ulusoy, U., Atagun, O.N., Particulate Science and Technology, 2023, 7 Citations, 0.00 FWCI

2.     Article  •  Open access:investigation of shaking table products of chromite ore from Sivas Kangal-Çartıl region in terms of particle shapes by using various techniques | Sivas i̇ li Kangal-Çartil yöresi kromit cevherlerinin sarsintili masa zenginleştirme ürünlerinin çeşitli teknikler kullanilarak tane şekilleri açisindan i̇ ncelenmesi, Ulusoy, U., Atagün, O.N., Scientific Mining Journal, 2022.



Electronic Waste; Printed Circuit; Recycling


1.     Article  •  Open Access: The Role of Particle Size and Shape on the Recovery of Copper from Different Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste,Burat, F., Dinç, N.İ., Dursun, H.N., Ulusoy, U., Minerals, 2023, 3 Citations, 0.86FWCI



Morphology; Image Analysis; Particle Shape


1.     Review  •  Open access: A Review of Particle Shape Effects on Material Properties for Various Engineering Applications: From Macro to Nanoscale, Ulusoy, U., Minerals, 2023, 67 Citations, 10.40 FWCI



Adsorption; Froth Flotation; Surfactant


1.     Article  •  Open Access: Review: Comparison of ultrasonically aided zinc beneficiation by mechanical flotation and column flotation cell, Ulusoy, U., Kurşun, H., EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, 2021, 2 Citations, 0.17FWCI



Grinding (Machining); Particle Size Analysis; Machining


1.     Article  •  Open Access: Comparison of Particle Shape, Surface Area, and Color Properties of the Calcite Particles Ground by Stirred and Ball Mill, Ulusoy, U., Çayirli, S., Bayar, G., Gokcen, H.S., Minerals, 2023, 4 Citations, 1.15FWCI



Heavy Metal; Compressive Strength; Manganese


1.     Editorial  •  Open Access: Editorial: Advanced green and sustainable chemical and physical technologies for resources recycling of solid wastes, Bu, X., Park, I., Ulusoy, U., Frontiers in Chemistry, 2023




Scopus Impacts


Sustainable Development Goals


Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

1.     The effect of particle geometry (size & shape) on the recovery of gold and copper metallic particles from end-of-life random access memory cards by flotation, Beyzanur Keleş, Nazlım İlkyaz Dinç, Halide Nur Dursun, Fırat Burat, Ugur Ulusoy, Waste Management, 2024

2.     Review: Comparison of ultrasonically aided zinc beneficiation by mechanical flotation and column flotation cell, Ugur Ulusoy, Hülya Kurşun, EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, 2021


Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

1.     investigation of shaking table products of chromite ore from Sivas Kangal-Çartıl region in terms of particle shapes by using various techniques, Ugur Ulusoy, Osman Nuri Atagün, Scientific Mining Journal, 2022

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

1.     Editorial: Advanced green and sustainable chemical and physical technologies for resources recycling of solid wastes,Xiangning Bu, Ilhwan Park, Ugur Ulusoy, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2023

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

1.     The Role of Particle Size and Shape on the Recovery of Copper from Different Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste,Fırat Burat, Nazlım İlkyaz Dinç, Halide Nur Dursun, Ugur Ulusoy, Minerals, 2023.

2.     Editorial: Advanced green and sustainable chemical and physical technologies for resources recycling of solid wastes,Xiangning Bu, Ilhwan Park, Ugur Ulusoy, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2023

Goal 17: Partnership for the goals

1.     investigation of shaking table products of chromite ore from Sivas Kangal-Çartıl region in terms of particle shapes by using various techniques,Ugur Ulusoy, Osman Nuri Atagün, Scientific Mining Journal, 2022

2.     Review: Comparison of ultrasonically aided zinc beneficiation by mechanical flotation and column flotation cell,Ugur Ulusoy, Hülya Kurşun, EUREKA, Physics and Engineering, 2021.

3.     Determination of optimum washing conditions for a lignite coal based on ash and sulfur content,Yakup Cebeci, Ugur Ulusoy, I̊brahim Sönmez, Fuel, 2014.

4.     Particle size distribution analysis of ground coal by machine vision σvolume approach,Igathinathane Cannayen, Ugur Ulusoy, 26th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2012: Innovative Processing for Sustainable Growth - Conference Proceedings, 2012






III- Google Scholar Citations

Citations index

Sum of the Times Cited: 

h-index: 23
i10-index:     30**

**(means: the number of publications with at least 10 citations - another way to help gauge the productivity of a researcher)




Citation map

Below you can see the distribution of your citations across the globe. You'll see a data point for each distinct institution with a contributor to a publication in the Web of Science Core Collection which cited your work.

Blue circles can be clicked to zoom in and see more precise locations, red pins can be clicked to see the details of papers citing you from a particular city.



Our Works were cited in various


of different countries in the world


1. Journals

Langmuir American Chemical Society, Acta Polytechnica, Advanced Powder Technology, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Advances in Engineering Research, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, Algal Research, American Journal of Scientific Research, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, ASEAN Engineering Journal Part C, Biosystems  engineering, Boletín delasociedad española de cerámica, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Ceramics International, Chemosphere, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Composites Communications, Composites: Part A, Computers in Industry, Çukurova University Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Diagnostyka, Energy Fuels, Energy Sources, Environ Earth Sci, European Journal of Soil Science, Food Research International, Fuel, Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi – Mineral Resources Management,  HOLOS, IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal, IEEE, International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control, International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Materials Engineering, International Journal of Materials Engineering, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Combustion, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Journal of Food Engineering, Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Materials and Design, Materials Characterization, Materials Processing Fundamentals, Materials Sciences and Application, Measurement Science and Technology, Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, Minerals & Metallurgical Processing, Minerals Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Nigerian journal of technological development, Open Geosci, Particulate Science and Technology, Particuology, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, Powder Technology, Prezemysl Chemiczny, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Romanian Journal of Materials, RSC Advances-The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science of Sintering, Science of the Total Environment, Sedimentary Geology, Sensors, Separation Science and Technology, The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Tribology International, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry


2. Conferences

IMPC 2014, IMPC 2016, IMPC 2018, SWEMP 2018, IMCET2018, 2017 The 10th International Conference on Machine Vision, Proceedings of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Control Systems (ITTCS) – 2017, 15th Clay Symposium, 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 3rd Conference on Sustainability in Process Industry, The Fourteenth International Ferroalloys Congress, Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering, Proceedings of the 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting, 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Proceedings of the XI International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2010)


3. Books

Analysis of ECG Denoising, Abrasive Technology - Characteristics and Applications, Handbook of Powder Technology 


4. Dissertations

Thapar University, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Istanbul Technical University,  The University of Queensland, University Göttingen     




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