Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire





"Universities are the guardians of two foundational ideas to our societies—liberty and equality."


"Academia is the source of new materials, applications, and talented scientists and engineers. The latest materials characterization tools in the hands of the best and brightest scientists will accelerate progress and innovation."


In the New Era, the fast developments in Science and technology affected the whole world community in the most area and make the knowledge-based managements, economy and life style important. The globalization that is called the power of understanding the world as a small unit necessitates the production and sharing of knowledge, comprehensive research and development studies and competition.


To become successful in the global world, one must contribute in the production of knowledge, have a style of critical thinking, have a principle of learning through whole life and consequently to train a person having a features of fellow belongs to the knowledge society and be successful in his profession.


Meeting, Symposium and Congress Organization Tasks


1. “Turkish Mining on the verge of the 21th Century-Scientific and Technical Meeting”, C.U. Organizing Committee Member, 20-22 June 1996, Sivas

2.  6th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 24-26 September -1996, Kuşadası

3. “Mining and Environment” Scientific Meeting, C.U. Organizing Committee Member, June-1997, Sivas

4. 6th International Aggregate Symposium", Organizing Committee Member, 6-7 October 2011, Sivas



Session (Symposium and Congress) Chair


1. Session 7- “6th International Aggregate Symposium", 07 Oct 2011, Sivas-Turkey



Administrative Duties


1. Deputy Chairman of the Mining Engineering Department at the Cumhuriyet University (2008-2009)


